Ответы на вопросы ВСОШ ШЭ по Английскому языку 5-6 класс

Задание 1. Listen to the first part of the story. For questions 1-4 choose the correct answer to each question. You will hear the recording twice.

How many sons did the farmer have?

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 4

How did the sons feel about work?

  • They worked hard like their father.
  • They were very lazy.
  • They loved to work.
  • They thought they were too smart to work.

How did the sons react when the farmer mentioned the treasure?

  • They argued about who would get the treasure.
  • They asked if it was gold, diamonds, or money.
  • They immediately started searching the fields.
  • They were indifferent and uninterested.

How does the farmer describe the treasure?

  • As something kept outside the farm.
  • As something made of gold and jewels.
  • As something physical they could hold.
  • As something more valuable than gold or jewels.

Listen to the second part of the story. For statements 5-10 choose the best word to fill each gap. You will hear the recording twice. 5. The sons dug up the whole field but found no __treasure__ at all. 6. The sons planted wheat and soon the fields were full of tall wheat __plants__ .7. The sons worked long, hard days in the hot fields to cut and harvest all of the __wheats__ .8. The sons sold the wheat to the rich ___people___ .9. Many years had passed before the sons enjoyed ___working____ hard in the fields.10. The sons realised that the land itself and the wheat in their fields brought them a good, happy and ___rich___ life.

Ответ: 5 – treasure, 6 – plants, 7- wheats, 8 – people, 9 – working, 10 -rich

2. Listening. Listen to the story and mark sentences 1-5 with “T” if they are true or “F” if they are false. You will hear the recording twice.

  • A candler checks eggs to see if they are good or bad.- T
  • Candlers work in a restaurant. – F
  • They use a bright light to check the eggs. – T
  • If an egg is bad, it can still be sold. – F
  • After checking, eggs are cleaned and put in cartons. -T

3. Reading. Read the text and decide if the sentences are true or false.


It was late at night when a bear came into a small city in Canada. It had a walk through the city streets past houses, cafes and offices. Then it found some food in bins next to a restaurant and began eating. Early in the morning, a man saw the bear and called the police. The police came with a vet from the zoo. They put the bear in a car and took it to the mountains far from the city. Fortunately, the bear was safe. But what is the situation in other countries when big animals come into cities? In that city in Canada it is unusual to see a bear.


Big and small animals usually come into different cities to find food. In Africa baboons come into the city when they are hungry. They go into gardens and eat fruit from trees. They may even go into houses and take food from tables! Baboons are rather strong animals and they can frighten people. But the city can be dangerous for baboons too. Sometimes, cars kill baboons in accidents. Human food is also very bad for the baboons’ teeth because it has so much sugar. Now, there are Baboon Monitors working in the city. Their job is to find baboons and return them to the countryside.


In Germany, pigs from time to time come into the city to find some food. They eat flowers and plants in parks and gardens. Sometimes they eat vegetables from gardens and they appear in the street and cause accidents. Some people like the pigs and they give them food to eat and water to drink. But other people do not like the pigs and they want the government and the police to stop them entering their city.


In Russia, there are about 34,000 wild dogs. The dogs live in different parks, old houses, markets and even train stations. Some dogs live in groups and others live alone. It is not a surprise that many people in Moscow like dogs. They give them food and water. Some people make small houses for the dogs in their gardens. This helps the dogs in winter, when the temperature is -10 ºC and there is a lot of snow.


In the USA raccoons are very good at living in many places. You can find them in forests and even in cities. They like to take things from chicken houses, litter bins, and vegetable gardens. But why do they come to your yard? Raccoons come to your yard for food or a place to live. They like things that are easy to get to, like open dustbins, pet food, or birdseed. They also like to go under porches and decks, or climb trees. They like gardens with fruits and vegetables.

The police took the bear to the mountains.

  • True – С
  • False – D

The bear was unharmed.

  • True – H
  • False – P

Baboons in Africa usually enter cities to find food.

  • True – I
  • False – X

Baboons are weak animals that cannot frighten people.

  • True – N
  • False – M

All people in the UK do not like pigs which enter cities.

  • True – S
  • False – P

Pigs often appear in streets and cause accidents.

  • True – I
  • False – A

There are about 34,000 wild dogs in Russia.

  • True – N
  • False – Y

Many people in Moscow like wild pigs and provide them with food and water.

  • True – Q
  • False – Z

Raccoons like to go under porches and decks, or climb trees.

  • True – E
  • False – W

Raccoons like to take things from chicken houses, dustbins, and vegetable gardens.

  • True – E
  • False – G

This animal has short legs, long arms and black hair covering all their body. Its face is flat with big eyes, a small nose and a wide mouth. Look at the letters you got and guess the word. The riddle helps you.


Ответ: Chimpanzee

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